Exam name – SAFe®5 Agile Product Management Exam – or –
SAFe® 5 Agile Product Manager Exam
Exam format – Multiple choice; Multiple select
Exam delivery – Web-based (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed
Exam access – Candidates can access the exam within the SAFe Community Platform upon completion of the Agile Product Management course
Exam duration – Once the exam begins, candidates have 120 minutes (2.0 hours) to complete the exam
Number of questions – 60
Number of questions – 60
Passing score – 45 out of 60 (75%)
Language – English
Exam cost – First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of course completion. Each retake attempt costs $250.
Retake policy – Second attempt on exam (first retake) can be done immediately after first attempt. Third attempt requires a 10-day wait. Fourth attempt requires a 30-day wait.
Exam study materials
The exam is designed to measure knowledge and skill related to the job role. We highly recommend candidates use a variety of resources to prepare for this exam including:
• Course materials – The course materials are an essential artifact from the course and can be downloaded from the SAFe Community Platform. These materials can be used to refer back to the content that was presented during the class.
• Study guide – This comprehensive guide details the job role and all resources related to the exam, including a detailed reading list. Access is available through the Learning Plan in the SAFe Community Platform upon course completion.
• Practice test – The practice test is designed to be predictive of success on the certification exam,* and it has the same number of questions, level of difficulty, and time duration. It is part of the Learning Plan in the SAFe Community Platform and can be taken an unlimited number of times at no cost. *This is not the actual exam, and passing it does not guarantee success on the certification exam.
• Sample Questions – A web-enabled, flashcard style version of the sample questions can be found online and in the study guide.
What you get
Attendee workbooks
Eligibility to take the SAFe® Agile Product Manager exam
One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform
Course certificate of completion